Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reflecting on our African Adventure
This past weekend, members of the LDS church had the opportunity to listen to their church leaders give counsel and uplift.   It is what we call General Conference.  This special conference happens twice a year and we look forward to it so much.
I was reminded of the love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for each one of us.  I reflected on the humanitarian services the church provides for people all around the world and our responsibility to help those in need, to reach out and love those around us.
We need to reach out in our own communities and sometimes we have the opportunity to reach out to those around the world who are miles and miles away.
We are so blessed and sometimes I feel guilty when I reflect on how I complain about a broken kitchen faucet or a bed that's too lumpy.  There are some who don't have a bed or running water and  those who don't have shoes or a warm coat, those who still cook over a fire.  
Steve and I were lucky enough to visit Namibia Africa last year and see first hand how people live with so little.  It is a cherished memory, one I will never forget.  These people touched our hearts and we hope for the day we can go back.

These young boys and young father live and work on the ranch where we stayed.  They loved having their picture taken.  The sweet baby (in the picture above) played in the dirt every day while her mother worked in the gardens.  
We were able to take a few items to give to them.  They love dolls and soccer balls.  We packed a few soccer balls and Barbies in our luggage.  Next time, we would take much more.  They are in need of socks, hats, jackets, shoes, and so much more.  Even though they don't have a lot, they were happy and kind.
Listening to conference and reflecting on our trip to Africa has stirred in me a desire to do more.  This is my goal for this year, to reach out more to those in need.
Look around and smile, love a little more, be a little more kind, and offer a helping hand.  
We are so blessed.  

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